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Top-Qualität und Beratung!
Tel. Beratung Mo - Fr. von 10:00 - 19:00

Billard & Snooker Service



For more than a quarter of a century every kind of service for your snooker or pool table. These are the services we offer:

  • Change of cloth (with or without cushions)
  • Installation or deinstallation of one or more snooker or pool tables
  • Relocation of snooker or pool table(s) from A to Z. It does not matter if you need to move your billard table 3 meters or several kilometers.
  • Restoration of snooker or pool tables.
  • Storage of snooker or pool tables.

We charge for all our services the cost according to our time and effort. To be able to accurately calculate a price for our services and provide a price quote, we rely on the following information:

  • Dimensions of your pool table: What are the dimensions of the playing surface of your billard table? Please measure the distance between two opposite cushions. Of course we are also happy if you can inform us straight away if it is a 6, 7, 8, 9 feet table or even larger.
  • Brand and age of table: Such as for instance: SAM Viena, 12 years old
  • Photos of snooker or pool table(s): Often we can tell what kind of table it is if you send us pictures of its short and long side. 
  • Locations of deinstallation and reinstallation: Really helpful are specifications such as address, car parking possibilities, which floor in the building, elevator or stair case, access to the billard room (any sharp corners to overcome?), any other obstacles or particularity?


Furthermore we provide professional service for your pool and snooker cues:

  • Replacements of leather tips: We precisely refit your pool cue with a new leather tips. Of course you get to choose between conventional tips and new state-of-the-art multi-layered leather tips (Moori, Aramith, Predator, etc.)
  • Cue freshen up: We thoroughly clean your cue and free it from chalk residues, smoothen your shaft and if needed even replace the rubber bumper, the linen, and/or the ferrule.