Versand mit Schweizer Post oder Stückgut
Faire Versandpreise
Top-Qualität und Beratung!
Tel. Beratung Mo - Fr. von 10:00 - 19:00



We collect and process our customers data to strenghten our business relationships, to offer you maximum service and the most convenient access to our products and services as well as to give you the biggest range of benefits when dealing with us when processing your orders.

You can count on us that we will NOT transfer or sell your personal customer data to a third party (address brokers, SPAM-senders, etc.).

Furthermore, we use your customer data to keep you informed via e-mail (newsletter) about new products, special deals and other things. We will only send you information that we consider interesting for you.

If you do not explicitly object we may use your customer data pseudonymously for our own marketing, marketing research or to further enhance our website. Eventually we collect and process only that much data as we need for the order process and communication with you.

When you order through our online shop you give us your customer data such as for example your address, your delivery address and your preferred way of payment. In order to be able to give this information you must open an account in our online shop where you eventually log in with your username (i.e. e-mail address) and a password you choose yourself. Both pieces of information ensure, that only you have access to your account.

Of course you should not let anyone else know about your login information. For your saftety we seriously recommend that you choose a password that contains small and capital letters and numbers. Not even us can see your password since its encrypted and written into a especially encoded database.

Legal requirements may force us to lay open customer data. Also we may lay open your data if we are convinced that is in the best interest of the public, for example if you have obviously committed a credit card fraud.
